This Video Will Make You Want to Go to Taiwan Right Now

Even though the visa-free rule for Filipinos entering Taiwan has been put to halt, this won’t stop us from wanderlusting on what the country has to offer visa free or not.

Apart from the many other reasons why one should go to Taiwan, their street food has always tops any traveller’s bucket list.
Travel website, Klook has enumerated Taiwan’s top 10 street foods. From Tian Bu La (Taiwan Tempura), Chicken Cutlet, Bubble Tea, Iron Egg, Oyster Misua, Taiwan Sausage Sticky Rice, Taro Balls, Peanut ice cream roll to Giant Takoyaki.

Taiwan Tourism Board Director Trust Lin told The Filipino Times that the culinary philosophy in Taiwan is eat often and eat well.

Taiwanese cuisine itself is often associated with influences from mid to southern provinces of China, most notably from the province of Fujian (Hokkien), but influences from all of mainland China can easily be found. A notable Japanese influence also exists due to the period when Taiwan was under Japanese rule. Traditional Chinese food can be found in Taiwan, alongside Fujian and Hakka-style as well as native Taiwanese dishes, including dishes from Guangdong, Jiangxi, Chaoshan, Shanghai, Hunan, Sichuan and Beijing.

Apart from indulging on Taiwanese street food, Lin said that there are so many things that one can see and do in Taiwan that people living in the emirates can enjoy.

He said that Taiwan is a Muslim-friendly country that GCC nationals’ HALAL requirements should put to rest.

“Taiwan also offers scenic destinations for nature lovers. We have mountains covered with trees that are unique to people living in the emirates,” He said.

“If you take a plane to Taiwan, you will see all green.” He added.

He also said that Taiwan has a beautiful history that is worth discovering and an immersion with the cultural tribes are worth adding on every traveller’s itinerary.

If you need a little push for your Taiwan trip, here are the country’s street food that will have you itching to travel there right now. Watch!




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