Quick Facts on the Zika Virus


President Benigno Aquino III has given instructions to the Department of Health (DOH) to ensure public safety as global health officials issue an alert about the rapid spread of the Zika virus.

DOH spokesman Dr. Lyndon Lee Suy announced on Friday that the Philippines  was still free of Zika virus. The last documented case of Zika virus was in Cebu City in 2012, but Suy said that the DOH remained on guard.

“We don’t want to be alarmist, but it is not enough that people become aware of what is happening. We should always be on guard because it’s happening in other countries and it can also happen here,” Suy said.

The virus is spread by mosquito bites and a large number of cases of infection are being reported in the Americas.

According to the World Health Organization, it is known to circulate in Africa, the Americas, Southern Asia, Western Pacific, and tropical areas with large mosquito populations.

After a reported outbreak, health authorities are now investigating its link to a parallel increase in severe birth defects in areas were there is an outbreak of the virus.

Here are some quick facts on Zika:

(see attached bigger image of poster on quick facts about the Zika virus)

2016-0203 Quick Facts on the Zika Virus


(Source: GMAnetwork.com)

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