Duterte Gave ‘Go Ahead’, Widodo Insists

Image Caption: Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte and Indonesian President Joko Widodo Reuters


Indonesian President Joko Widodo on Tuesday stood by his earlier statement that Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte gave him the “go ahead” on the case of convicted drug mule Mary Jane Veloso.

Widodo, in interview with reporters, said “Well, President Duterte said to go ahead process it in accordance with Indonesian law, well that’s it … the meaning of that is clear what I have said yesterday,” according to ABC Indonesia/South East Asia journalist Adam Harvey.


Harvey also posted a transcript and raw audio of Widodo’s latest interview, wherein Widodo said Duterte told him to “go ahead” and process Veloso’s case in accordance with Indonesian law.


The Indonesian Cabinet Secretariat website on Monday quoted Jokowi as having said that President Duterte has allowed Indonesia to proceed with Veloso’s execution.

Duterte later admitted he told Widodo to “go ahead and implement the law,” but said this was not in reference to Veloso, who is on death row in Indonesia for smuggling heroin.

Duterte said Veloso’s case was “never mentioned” when he told Widodo “to follow your own laws” and that “I will not interfere,” in their bilateral talks in Jakarta last Friday.

Despite criticisms about his supposed lack of interest to plea for Veloso’s life, Duterte said there is “nothing to apologize (for) because the law is the law.”


(Source: ABS-CBN.com)

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