Customs advice to FDHs, be careful when remitting money

Captured by Hong Kong Customs the two women who own a grocery store in Tai Po, after They read a post on social media about the complaint of a foreign domestic helper who did not get the money sent to his family using the remittance service of the store.

The investigation was immediately customs and found out that the store did not have a license to receive money for the remittance. They arrested a 44-year-old woman. aged store owner on July 21. 19 were also arrested. year old fellow store owner.

What was done arrest was in accordance with Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance (AMLO), which prohibits the running of “money” service” without a proper license.

Allowed to secure The two are still investigating their case.

Under AMLO, the Anyone who is unable to receive a license can fined up to $1 million and imprisoned for up to two years.

Because of what happened The company has been in contact with consulates and organizations It helps to expand the knowledge of FDH to conduct training and instruction for the selection of companies to use in sending money to their family, and also to better understand what AMLO is.

It is also possible to visit FDHs the Custons website: to ensure that they The company or group is licensed to send money.

They are also advised to don’t overlook the “Pay Before Remit” offer, and instead review immediately their receipt before leaving the store to make sure that it had been sent They immediately received their money according to their orders.

Also pleads with The company and its employees are committed to delivering this message to the new The FDH was used to prevent the spread of the virus. It’s better to help them They choose to send money to make sure it reaches them. family in the Philippines.

Who’s doubting A company that operates without a license is invited to bring it to Customs through their 24-hour Hotline: 2545 6182 or an email account specifically established for such case: [email protected] or through the online form:

Source: The SUN HK : Customs advice to FDHs, be careful when remitting money (

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