What are the Advantages of Having One National ID?

On Tuesday, May 29, the Senate has ratified the bicameral committee version of the Philippine Identification System Act.

This comes days after Malacañang announced that President Rodrigo Duterte will be signing into law the proposed national identification system bill once the final version of the bill has been submitted to his office.

The measure, which seeks to establish the Philippine Identification System or PhilSy, is one of the priorities of the Duterte administration.

The bill aims to consolidate around 33 government IDs through the establishment of a single national ID.

The PhilSys will provide a card with an electronic chip containing personal information of a citizen including date of birth, place of birth, permanent address, marital status, blood type, parents’ full name, biometrics information, height, weight in kilograms, distinguishing features, and tax identification number.

What is the real deal with the establishment of one national ID in the country? What are the advantages of having a single ID to be used in various government transactions?

Streamlined information

With the establishment of one government ID comes the ease brought about by streamlined information. All basic information of one individual, from phone numbers to criminal records and loans, will be stored in the ID, thereby providing easy access in transactions with government and even other private organizations.

Secured identification

The national ID is also expected to provide secured identification, as it will be installed with biometric chips.

Shield against bank fraud, theft

The smart chip embedded in the ID will contain personal information including iris scans and facial image recognition. This ensures better protection against fraud and identity theft.

Social inclusion

With the national ID in place, people, especially those who are unemployed, who have no access to certain government documents like the SSS or UMID ID, will be given proper identification.

Public safety

Police and emergency operations will be much easier with the production of a single ID. Victims could easily be identified, as well as suspects in crimes, thereby leading to faster operations.


(Source: FilipinoTimes.net)

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