Saudi Arabia Registers 35 MERS Cases in 15 Days

RIYADH, June 11 — Saudi Arabia registered 35 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) corona virus cases in 15 days, of which 28 of them developed the infection at health facilities, Okaz local news reported on Sunday.
Although MERS corona virus cases aren’t anymore considered as high health risk like before, the infection could be fatal for those with poor health or chronic diseases.
The country that recorded the first-ever case has registered 1,577 cases since 2012, including 672 deaths.
Infection Control Consultant, Dr. Mohammed Abdulrahman highlighted the need for more awareness on infection control measures at health facilities as most of the new cases could have been prevented through the right steps at such establishments.
He urged elderly to avoid visiting patients at hospitals or be directly associated with camels that are the main source of the virus, because of their weak immune systems. (Xinhua)