9 Smart Filipino Ways to Get Ahead in the Workplace

Dubai: You don’t have to be the top boss to show stellar leadership in the workplace and advance your career.
“Everyone has leadership potential, but everyone needs to be on the same page in order to achieve a common goal,” says Elmer Ocampo Casao, chairman of the Bayanihan Council that is organising a Filipino leadership summit in Abu Dhabi in September.
Effective leadership lets you guide a group of people toward a common goal and allow you to succeed in the workplace.
It’s not just one skill, but a set of skills that can be developed and acquired, adds Allen Samonte, a strategic management consultant based in the UAE.
How do you become an effective leader? Samonte and Casao share their tips:
- Be innovative
Casao says: Always think of and develop new approaches on how to work efficiently so you can cut the time to finish a certain task without sacrificing the quality of work.
- Practice good work ethics
Casao says: This always works best. It speaks about your professionalism. Always be on time and deliver the results on time or ahead of time.
Samonte says: Always do things in advance; this includes coming in the office before the actual start of the work day. It also means submitting projects before deadlines. Doing things ahead of time gives you a better boost of confidence.
- Focus
Samonte says: Avoid multi-tasking. Doing many things at the same time will lead you to confusion and you may end up not completing anything at all. Being focused lets you finish things ahead of time.
- Be dependable
Casao says: Don’t be afraid to extend assistance to colleagues and always consider the chance to assist anyone an opportunity to contribute more in the growth and success of the organisation.
Samonte says: It is always best to be a good team player. It shows also an individual’s leadership capabilities. Everyone should be able to participate in achieving a common goal. It is always easy to accomplish a task if everyone works as a team.
- Take responsibility
Samonte says: Take immediate action and never delay. When you act, don’t be afraid to take responsibility. Avoid the blame game. Pointing fingers at other people will only aggravate the situation and hurt your character. Keep in mind that taking the lead requires people to support your endeavours so better build an ally by taking responsibility, rather than creating an enemy.
- Communicate effectively
Casao says: This is very important in the performance of our job. Communication serves as a tool to effectively execute a task and the processes involved.
Samonte says: There is no better way of getting aligned than continuous communication. Be clear in everything. There is no reason to be shy or feel embarrassed in asking; getting the right information leads to efficient results.
- Be self-motivated
Casao says: We should always maintain that spirit and mindset that the reason why we are hired is because the employer sees in us the value we can add to the organisation. That thought should always serve as our own motivation to keep up on all the ways we accomplish assigned tasks.
Samonte says: No matter how difficult the job may be, we should always keep a positive attitude.
- Be flexible
Casao says: Always think: “What else can I contribute to the organisation?” Our actions should not be limited to the job description that was provided to us. We should never stop learning.
Samonte says: Having the right mindset will keep you thinking and feeling positive and looking forward to completing what needs to be done.
- Don’t just present a problem. Present a solution.
Casao says: This is how I deal with work issues. When you talk to the boss or your colleagues about workplace issues, always present possible solutions.
And remember to take some downtime. Good leaders know the importance of work-life balance and when to take it. Samonte suggests: “During weekends and holidays, make sure you do some activities that will rejuvenate you and provide work-life balance. This way, you will have more energy and excitement when you head back to work.”
Don’t miss it
What: Bayanihan Council Leadership Summit
When: September 7
Where: Intercontinental Hotel, Abu Dhabi
Contact: 0509492489 or 0506828468
(Source: gulfnews.com)